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ALS for out of school youth/adult

There are two major programs on ALS that are being implemented by the Department of Education, through the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS). One is the Basic Literacy Program and the other is the Continuing Education Program – Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E).

Both programs are modular and flexible. This means that learning can take place anytime and any place, depending on the convenience and availability of the learners.

Training Manager

A group of Established Professionals and Accredited TESDA Training Managers in different fields of expertise sharing skills and expertise, dedicated to provide quality learning and qualifications.

Interested to become a part of our team?
Do you need someone to coach or assist you to train others?
Please let us know.

Human Relations Management Course

This training approach focuses on people, particularly in the psycological and social aspect of work. It helps us to see people not as just machines but valuable organizational resources, for it holds the importance of people's needs and that their efforts, motivation and performance are affected by the work they do and their good working relationships with their clients, leaders and fellow team members. It will provide leadership skills (theoretical and practical) determinants of performance Management, HRM function in meeting global challenges.

Project Management

Project management methods can be applied to any project. A project manager is a professional in the field of project management. Project managers are in charge of the people in a project. People are the key to any successful project. Without the correct people in the right place and at the right time a project cannot be successful.

THE LEARNERS will learn the practice of leading, initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time.

Basic Training Course in Guidance and Counseling


If you are a Non-Native English Teacher the field of TEFL/TESOL presents one of the fastest growing educational fields in the world. The field represents thousands of excellent professional opportunities for teaching English abroad in all corners of the globe to native and non-native fluent English speakers who earn their TEFL/TESOL certification. TEFL” is the acronym for Teaching English as a Foreign Language, or simply, English language instruction for non-native speakers. Also known as Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), English Language Teaching (ELT), and teaching ESL (English as a Second Language).

Religious Studies, Training , Consultancy & Certifications

For tentmakers who wish to pursue their Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education and acquire multiple skills at multiple levels to enhance their employability in the foreign field. Our partnership with accredited religious and training institutions enable us to assist practitioners to “mobilize their potential and upgrade their credentials”. We will help you to be prepared in terms of entry to work, flexibility at work, and opportunity for permanency and ascent in hierarchy of the industry and ministry.


Our TESDA Accredited Training Manager (TM1) will provide you with skills and an understanding of bookkeeping and its relationship with accounting.

Our goal is to increase your skills, knowledge and confidence in bookkeeping, accounting and business. Our TM will help you to be prepared to get ASSESSMENT for NCIII in TESDA Accredited ASSESSMENT CENTER that offers assessment in Bookkeeping.

LMS Service Provider

Learning Management System
We seek to provide consultancy, assistance and support system to educational institutions by setting up LMS to provide online classes in order to meet the demands of blended learning modalities.
We have 3 options for you to chose depending on your needs:
Option 1 our website, linkage then we provide username password Option 2 with your website, we set up LMS and service support Option 3 we will create your website, LMS and service support

CTCBritain Courses Offered as authorized by Prof. Hagab, Gemma Bautista, PhD (Representative) and John Rey T. Vallejera, PhD (Program Consultant)

Customer Service Management
Pharmaceutical Management
International Law
Planning and Managing Human Resource
Financial Management
Project Management
Health Care Quality Management
IELTS Academic Test Preparation